Looking for estimating best practices?

Download this free E-Book to learn the five ways to overcome the most common estimation workflow inefficiencies that you don’t realise are holding you back.

How to Avoid the Pitfalls that Can Derail Your Construction Estimates

When you’re in charge of estimating, your teammates—plus your boss and your vendors—are all relying on you to ensure profitability, control risk and rack up wins. But estimating isn’t easy. The bids are complex. The deadlines are tight. The competition is intense. The margins are thin.

Read on to discover three sneaky pitfalls that can derail your construction estimates and cost you—and your company—success. Plus, get the winning strategies to overcome them and help you gain a competitive advantage.

Win More Work: How WinEst Essentials can help you create construction estimates in less time AND with fewer errors

Check out our recent webinar where we delve into the power of WinEst Essentials and how it can enhance your estimating process. Discover how to streamline your workflow, reduce errors, and win more projects in less time. 

In this webinar, you will: 

  • Explore features designed to enhance accuracy and precision
  • Gain insights into strategies for winning more work
  • Learn how to use estimating tools to effectively create watertight estimates your clients can rely on

7 Reasons Construction Estimators Need to Use WinEst Today

There is a better way: WinEst Essentials is a cloud-hosted Trimble solution that provides general trade contractor estimators with essential tools to build profitable estimates and to better collaborate throughout their pre-construction workflows.

Top Tips for Error Proofing Your Construction Estimates

Creating accurate construction estimates is crucial, but it's easy to overlook small details that can lead to big mistakes.  Whether you're a seasoned estimator or just starting out, this webinar will help you identify and avoid common - and potentially costly - mistakes that can derail your estimates and your projects.

Watch this info-packed webinar recording and you'll learn:

  • Common estimating pitfalls and their impact on project success
  • Strategies to mitigate risks when building your estimate
  • How to use estimating tools effectively to create watertight estimates your clients can rely on
  • How to improve decision-making and win more profitable jobs
  • And much more...

Better together…Elevate your estimating with connected digital takeoff

Doing takeoff is the most time consuming and error-prone part of construction cost estimating. And deadlines are always looming…and have you noticed they’re getting shorter and shorter? But if you take shortcuts to save time, errors can creep in, which can put you and your company at risk. If you need a way to get more estimates done with fewer mistakes, look no further.

Get a competitive edge in your construction projects with value engineering

Over the past half-century, value engineering (VE) has proven to be an effective tool to manage time, costs, and quality with an aim to maximize value.